



We are holding our Annual Holiday Craft Show on Saturday, September 21.  We are accepting vendor applications, copies of which you will find under "FORMS" on this website.  Just complete and forward with your check to reserve a space. There are also instructions/information for vendors (page 2 of the application form) but feel free to call Marion Wilkinson at 484-612-3228 or our office at 610-265-4715.  


It must soon be July since I am writing this, and the outdoor temperature is101!   I hope you are all able to enjoy some welcomed air conditioning.  If you need a space to stay cool, please take advantage of the Senior Center. We are always available for you to spend the day, bring lunch and possibly enjoy reading in the library.  Wherever you spend your day, when it is so hot, remember to stay hydrated, wear light clothing and don’t forget a hat if you are outside.

I hope we all enjoyed the General Meeting and BBQ.  I know I ate some delicious food and there were too many excellent dessert options.  Thank  you to the volunteers who set up, served, cleaned up and donated food for the event. Thank you to Giant, Wegmans and our monthly Costco gift cards for helping with the food expenses.  Looking forward to more fun gatherings. National Senior Citizen Day is August 21st and it will be ice cream time!

Some of our activities are on hiatus for the summer but will return in the fall.  I am also looking into the possibility of adding a chair yoga program and meditation sessions.  For now, check out the opportunity to play corn hole on Fridays.

On September 21st, we are sponsoring our first Annual Holiday Craft Fair.  We are currently looking for vendors, so if you are interested or know anyone, please speak to  Marion Wilkinson or Lauretta Zimmer who are the committee chairs.  For more information, you can also call Marion at 484-612-3228. Carol Mellom is also organizing a Bake Sale for this event.

I was contacted by Tina Garzillo, chairperson of the Upper Merion Board of Supervisors. There will be a presentation for the township on July 16th by PECO discussing programs that assist low-income earners. They are LIURP – low-income usage reduction program and LIHEAP – low-income home energy assistance program.  When  there is more information available, we will publish it in the newsletter or email blast.   Save the date if you are interested.

I hope you all enjoy celebrating the July 4th  holiday and remember all the reasons we celebrate our country, its founding and its ideals.  Have a safe holiday.

Until next time,

Sharon Brzoska, President

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The Upper Merion Senior Service Center (UMSSC) provides a variety of recreational, educational and wellness activities for seniors age 55 and up.  We offer a friendly environment for seniors to gather with friends and make new ones.  The Senior Center is located in the Upper Merion Community Center Buiilding.  Our hours of operation are Monday thru Friday from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM.

Membership applications are available on this web site under "Forms" or at the senior center.  We accept cash or checks only.  Additional information regarding activities, special events and trips can be found on this website.

We are located at 431 W. Valley Forge Road in the Community Center.  Our hours are Monday thru Friday from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM.  Hope you will join us.  

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When the weather is bad please call the senior center after 7:30 AM and listen to the voice mail message  before venturing out.  The voice mail message will indicate if we are closed.   The best way to find out if the senior center is closed is to call first (610-265-4715).  

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The following is the policy followed by the Community Center, and, since the Senior Center is in the Community Center Building, all UMSSC members, Board and staff members are required to abide by this policy:

Participants must abide by all rules and regulations set for by Upper Merion Parks & Recreation relating to participating in trips and activities, including Upper Merion Area School District rules and regulations  pertaining  to illegal drugs,  weapons and smoking.

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